Friday, September 6, 2013

The Code Pt 1

As men grow old and days get cold, love is love, but ass gets sold. Ice can be hot, and secrets can be told, this might be a shock, but blacks have codes.

OK I'm gonna let everyone in on a little secret about black men, but we are all obligated to recognize each other; whether they like it or not. Don't ask me why but that's the way it is.
It feels great to have this since of loyalty, but some of my friends get offended. I'll never forget a time when I was being trained as a server in Beverly Hill's and one night a very well known actor came with his date and he instantly started asking me how I was and how were they treating me; my trainer was so upset, but who cares, he was a Bronco's fan... Raiders baby!
If your white and you want to trip-out a black man; as your walking past him say something like "alright now", throw a peace sign, and watch his reaction, but you have to say it right, it wont work if you dont execute the right gestures. I suggest speaking with one of your black friends before you make your attempt, if you don't have any, save your breath.
There are other codes I'll discuss later. I couldn't tell you where these codes came from or why they exist; they just do.
When I think about history and how blacks have evolved, it seems that when humans feel like they belong to something they express it; they want others to know what it is what they represent, hence uniforms and badge's. When you stand out you stand out.